Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My peace I give to you...

People who seek peace in external things – be it in places or ways of life or people or activities or solitude or poverty or degradation – however great such a thing may be or whatever it may be still it is nothing at all and it gives no peace.
-Meister Eckhart 

People often say things like, 
“When I get the raise that will be all the money I'll need."  
"When I live in that neighborhood, I’ll know I’ve arrived."
"When I get the promotion, I'll be a success."
"If that person would love me, my heart would be content." 

More often than not, however, we get the raise and soon feel it’s not enough. We move into the neighborhood, and realize it's not the destination we had hoped for. We get the promotion and suddenly find another rung on the ladder that must be climbed.  The person confesses their love, and yet we still feel incomplete. 

Human beings, in our pursuit of things, people, status, power and privilege, ultimately believe that we will achieve a sense of peace and contentment when our "dreams" come true. And yet, after all has been acquired, we find ourselves empty. Or, if nothing has been acquired, we say, "If only, if only...then, surely then, I would have peace."  The human pursuit of peace and contentment is like a hamster running on a wheel as fast as he can, and yet going nowhere. We work tirelessly, but to what end?  We accumulate in excess, but for what goal? We try relationship after relationship, but still feel alone.

This mad pursuit results in frustration, insecurity and restlessness.  We believe that peace, like so many other things, is something we can achieve and obtain.  Peace is another goal we can accomplish.  Peace, however, is a gift, a sacred and holy gift, of the Spirit.  In the Gospel of John (14:27) our Lord says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid."

The peace of God is something radically different.  It is a peace which the world does not and cannot give.  It is a peace which passes our ability to understand.  It is a peace that cannot be pursued nor obtained, but a gift to be received and accepted which is most difficult for many of us to understand.  We ask ourselves, "What must I DO to find peace?" We don't have to DO anything, we need BE.  We need to BE open God and the movement of the Holy Spirit.  We need to be open to grace, open to love, open to acceptance, open to the possibilities of God, open to the Word of God, open to the gift of Christ.  There is nothing to pursue, nothing to accomplish, nothing to achieve, nothing to acquire, no goal to reach.  We must simply BE in God and God in us.

Can we stop in the maddening pursuit of things?  Can we rest in the gift of God's peace?  Can we trust in God's goodness?  Can we believe that true peace, holy peace, lasting peace can be found only in God?  Only then will we be at peace.

May the peace of God be with you!!!

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