Friday, March 18, 2011

Lord, please, for the sake of thy people, hear our prayer!

Over the course of the past weeks, we have been captivated by images and stories from New Zealand and now Japan, from Egypt and now Libya. The devastating power of nature.  The amazing power of revolution.  Almost within the blink of an eye, people's lives are literally turned upside down.  I was breathless, as I watched the waters rage with uncontrollable force, leaving a wake of death and destruction.  I was held hostage by images of people marching and protesting, some shouting for revolution while others in passionate support of the standing regime.  Surreal images of iconic leaders, one finally deciding to step aside while the fate of the other still hangs in the balance.   
These past weeks have been a harsh reminder of the frailty of our lives, our society and the world in which we live.  In a nanosecond, things can change dramatically whether by natural disaster or human action, our lives can quickly turn from our personal pursuits to a scramble for survival.

On the other hand, I am also reminded of just how amazingly blessed we are and this must not be taken for granted.  We are blessed, indeed!  Let us be ever aware that today while we go about the business of our lives, others are mourning the loss of loved ones and digging through the rubble of what was their lives.  The impact of leaking radiation is still unknown.  People are searching for food and water.  There are people who feel as if they are living a nightmare and are praying that they will wake up and find it was only a horrible, horrible dream.  Others, across the globe, now prepare for what may become full fledged war.  They choose sides and seek weapons.  They know there will be more death and bloodshed, and it could mean their own death, their own blood shed.   

Sisters and brothers, let us give thanks to God for the blessings of this day and every day. Let us hold in our hearts and prayers those around the world who struggle this day, those who weep this day, those who hunger this day, those who will die this day, those who hold anger and hatred in their hearts and would rather bring death than seek peace.  Let us lift up stranger and friend alike, companion and enemy, our neighbors and those who are alien to us that the peace, glory and hope of God will reign.  That places of devastation and despair will become rich fields of life and hope.  That places of warfare and bloodshed will become sanctuaries of reconciliation and healing.    

Lord, please, for the sake of thy people, hear our prayer! 

In Christ, 

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