Friday, March 4, 2011

La Virgen de Guadalupe


This past Sunday, I had a most remarkable experience. I visited the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. A caravan made the trip from Minneapolis to La Crosse. Driving a van packed with new latino friends, we made our way to the shrine. It was the Sunday for the monthly Spanish service.

With great eagerness and expectation, latino pilgrims made their way up the hill to the shrine. Our friends were the musicians for the service, an extended family that formed a mariachi group. They had spent hours of practice and preparation, for this was not just another occasion to perform, this was a chance to play for the La Virgen de Guadalupe and they prayed that their offering would be pleasing to God.

Immediately, as the first note of broke through the reverent silence, my eyes began to burn with tears. For I had heard some of their stories. Stories of suffering and hardship. Stories of fear and oppression. Stories of hope and joy. Stories of Christ and redemption.

After the mass had ended they were allowed to play for thirty minutes until the next service was to begin. The group then stood before the altar looking only at the cross and painting of Mary. They were not "performing", they were offering songs of thanksgiving and celebration. They were offering prayers for all those who suffer from the ravages of poverty and oppression. They were lifting up countless millions of people who long for a better life for their children. They held in their hearts all those who find themselves as aliens in a foreign land and dream of home.

When they had finished, I commented on the visibly humble and faithful spirit with which they sang. I said, "They were singing as if they believed that La Virgen de Guadalupe was really there." The leader of the mariachis, Chalio, when hearing this had a curious look on his face and simply said, "She was there."

We say, "We are in the presence of God." We say, "Come Holy Spirit and fill this place." We say, "Christ is here with us." We say, "These are the gifts of God for the people of God. The holy food and drink of new and unending life in him." But do we really believe it, or are these simply "sayings" and things we hope to be true?

May we come before the presence of the Living God with the same eager expectation. May we sing and pray with the same faith and humility. May we long to offer our lives as gifts that are pleasing to God. May we experience the same sense of presence and spirit when we come before the altar of our Lord - for he is there!

Gracias a Dios ahora y para siempre!

In Christ,


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