Monday, January 21, 2013

Your dominant eye?

This past week I had the chance to shoot sporting clays.  I had not been shooting since I was a boy, so I needed a refresher course, to say the least.  My friend reminded me of the need to determine whether I was left or right eye dominant.  This was critical to take proper aim.

He led me through a little exercise to make that determination.  He asked me to make a triangle with my hands and focus on something with both eyes using my hands as a "view finder". Once I had an object in my sight, I was first to close my left eye seeing only with my right eye and then to do the opposite.   

With one eye, the object would stay clearly in my sight, 
but with the other eye it would be hidden from view. The eye that enables you to see the object is your dominant eye.

All of this led me to the question, "What is my dominant eye through which I view the world?"  Is it the one that keeps the cross and Christ clearly in sight, or is my dominant perspective the one that takes the cross and Christ out of view?

Am I seeing the world through the eye of faith, the eye of prayer, the eye of the cross, the eye of Christ?  Or, I am looking at the world in such as way as to keep all of that out of sight?

It's important to know what is our dominant "eye"?  How do we see the world?  On what do we focus?  What is clearly in our sight line and what is hidden from view.  Is our dominant "eye" one of power, money, success, achievement, self-interest, jealousy, prejudice, suspicion, anger, and fear.  Or, is it the "eye" of faith, hope, love, mercy, grace, forgiveness - the "eye" of the cross and of Christ.  On what do we focus and what is hidden from view?  What we see and how we see things makes a huge difference. 

Try the exercise and see if you can determine what's your dominant "eye"?


Thanks to my "hand model" - the Rev. Allan King!

1 comment:

  1. How much do you know about your dominant eye and the influnce with the conscious mind .Educators to date have failed miserably to provide any kind of learning skills to students This has been a terrible waste of time for students and parents .The good news is that Tony Mc Mahon is providing free lessons every week at [ mental training & improving life skills
