Monday, January 21, 2013

The Lottery vs. Baby Jesus

Yet again, our nation caught "lotto fever" as the Power Ball jackpot climbed to over 575 million dollars. At one point, tickets were selling at the rate of 130,000 per minute. Amazing! (And if you're wondering...I did buy a ticket. Well - truthfully, I bought three. I'm not sure why three, but I did.) And like millions of others, my tickets did not hold the winning numbers and have now been tossed into the trash.

Like sheep in some sort of mindless trance, we buy tickets knowing full well that we have no "real" chance of winning. But, we play the "let's dream" fantasy game of all the things we would do, some noble and charitable, other things silly and selfish. And if we do really win...then what??

Despite the odds, the Lottery continues to grow, and millions and millions keep dreaming.

Here are a few statistical fun facts:

Odds of...
  winning the Lottery. (1 in 175 million)
  hitting a hole in one on consecutive par-three golf holes. (1 in 156 million)
  getting attacked by a shark. (1 in 11.5 million)
  being crushed by a vending machine. (1 in 112 million)
  being killed by radiation from a nearby nuclear meltdown. (1 in 10 million)
  becoming the president of the United States. (1 in 10 million)
  giving birth to identical quadruplets. (1 in 15 million)
  dying from using a right-handed product incorrectly if you are left-handed. (1 in 4.4 million)
  being canonized. (1 in 20 million)
  being killed by falling airplane parts. (1 in 10 million)
I wonder how many of the people who played the lottery think that we're silly for believing in the stories of the Bible, the virgin birth, the resurrection, the basic tenets of our faith? How could we be so foolish as to put our hope in such silliness, in something that is nothing more than a theological fairy tale? What a waste!

Maybe we are silly and foolish? Maybe it is a waste and we really would be better off putting our hope in the lottery. The story is rather unbelievable. The chances of it being true are pretty slim.

But, Advent is upon us and we're going to tell the story all over again. We're going to tell the story of shepherds and angels, of a power hungry king and wise men on a journey, of an inn with no room and a nearby stable. It's the story of a young virgin named Mary and her husband, Joseph, who find themselves in the most unlikely position (I have no idea what the odds are on this one!) of being God's chosen ones to be the holy family to welcome into our world the baby Jesus, Immanuel, God with us. And that's just part of the story, it gets even more unbelievable from there.

"Lotto fever" will soon strike again. I'm sure. Will I buy another ticket?  Most likely. Will I play the "what if" game? Probably so. But at the end of the day, as crazy as it is, as unlikely and foolish as the story may sound - I'm putting my "money" on Jesus and a virgin, on a cross and an empty tomb. It may be a long shot, but I like our odds!


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