Monday, January 21, 2013

The Courage to be Imperfect

Recently, Jenny passed along a link to a TEDTalks video by Brené Brown who is a research professor at the University of Houston and has spent the past ten years studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame. (I strongly encourage you to watch it! LINK TO VIDEO)

Brown speaks of our longing for connection and the many barriers we create that keep this from happening.   At the heart of our internal and soulful conflict is vulnerability, our fear of allowing someone to see the "real" us. Feelings of inadequacy and shame keep us locked in a prison of self-inflicted isolation and fighting a life long struggle for true connection.

The key to unlocking the prison door lies in our willingness to embrace "excruciating vulnerability...we have to allow ourselves to be seen." Joined with the "courage to be imperfect" in a world that so often seeks, with sadistic like pleasure, our flaws and faults to then use as a bludgeon against us. We live fearing that some chink in our armor will be made public and then the façade of our "perfect" life will fall away and everyone will see us - exposed and shamed for the truth of our imperfect reality.

We don't allow ourselves the gift of our imperfections, the beauty of our vulnerability. We live behind high walls that to protect us from the possibility of pain or exposure, and in doing so we live lives marked by anxiety, worry, fear, and isolation.

Our Lord lived and died incarnating the fullness of "excruciating vulnerability." Our Lord had the glorious courage to face the imperfections of humanity that we may live free of shame and guilt.  God calls us into intimate relationship and connection if we have the courage to be imperfect, the courage to be excruciatingly vulnerable and in doing so open ourselves to a life giving connection with the God of the universe.  

May we live courageously into the fullness of our vulnerability and imperfections!

In Peace,
Paul + (Your Imperfect Rector)

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