Thursday, December 16, 2010

The glory of God is a living person

Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons in the 2nd century, once wrote, "The glory of God is a living person and the life of each living person is the vision of God." It's often hard for me to believe that the glory of God is a living person. With all of our brokenness, our fears, our acts of injustice and prejudice, how could a living person be the glory of God? How could the life of each living person be the vision of God?

In this season, we are reminded that we are made beautifully in the image of God and God became enfleshed in human form in Jesus Christ. God took on the form of a living person to give us an enfleshed vision of God's glory. For in and through God's transforming love, we are called to live into the fullness of who God created us to be and the fullness of God's vision for us.

What would your life be like, what would the world be like if we began to embrace the truth that we are created in the image of God? In spite of our sins, our imperfections, our brokenness we are beautifully and wonderfully created. In Christ and through Christ, we are the glory of God. In Christ and through Christ, we are the vision of God.

May we indeed live into the fullness of God's glory. May we truly enflesh the vision of God in our world.

Peace and Blessings on this most holy journey.

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