Thursday, December 9, 2010

The beginning of the end...

Thomas Merton once wrote, "The Advent mystery is the beginning of the end of all in us that is not yet Christ." Advent offers us a new beginning, in what might be a most unusual way, the beginning of the end. The end of those things that stand between us and God. Those things that stand between us and the Holy Spirit. Those things that stand between us and our fellow sojourners. The end of those things that stand between us and our Lord and our ability to live more fully into the mystery and gift of our faith.

There is still so much that is "not yet Christ" in my life. So much that needs to be brought to an end. So much that needs a new beginning in Christ. By opening ourselves to the great mystery of Advent and the coming of our Lord, may we find an end to our fears and the beginning of new confidence and courage in Christ. May we find an end to our hardness and suspicions and find new compassion and understanding. May we find an end to our self-centered ways and find a new way of selflessness and openness to others in the name of our Lord.

In this season, let us give thanks and rejoice for the end, the end of all that is not yet Christ and in doing so cross the threshold of a new and glorious beginning.

Peace and Blessings on this most holy journey.

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