Thursday, July 5, 2012

Religiosity vs. The Living God

While on holiday at the shore, I read a classic (at least a classic for an Episcopal Priest) The Christian Priest Today by Michael Ramsey former Archbishop of Canterbury.  The book is a collection of addresses he gave to those preparing for ordination in the Church of England.  Covering topics such as calling, prayer, preaching, teaching, humility, obedience, politics, doctrine, and discipline, Ramsey gives thoughtful insight into the ministry of the ordained.  But, even more so he offers wise counsel for lay and ordained people who come together in this great incarnational community known as the Church.  How do we fulfill God's vision for us and the world?

One most needed reminder and striking challenge came when he quoted F.D. Maurice, words written over a century earlier,"We have been dosing our people with religion, when what they need is not that but the living God."  (p. 20)  So often the Church can get caught up in the theoretical black hole of religiosity and completely lose sight of God.  Our world will not be healed by "religion", but by an encounter with the living God.  I am not saying to do away with religion, but rather I want remind us of the subtle seduction of religiosity and to encourage us to be faithful and intentional in how we live out our faith as individuals and together as the Body of Christ, the Church.
We must continual ask ourselves, "Where is the living God in all of this?" Being good Episcopalians doesn't mean much if we are not grounded in a deep and abiding relationship with God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ,

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