Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pray for the Nation

We now stand in the shadow of the mid-term elections. I have to say that I am very glad the campaign and especially the ads are behind us. There was a level of venom and attack that I found rather disturbing. The country certainly is not of one mind. (Never has been, never will be...the church is the same - I might add.) I believe, however, there is a growing lack of civility and willingness to cooperate. I find this troubling. It is US verses THEM. Rich versus poor. White versus black versus latino. Official citizens versus illegal immigrants. Christians versus Muslims. Republicans versus Democrats, and now add the Tea Party. Fear versus hope. Trust versus suspicion.

There is no doubt, times are tough. People are anxious. There are more questions than answers. But, I believe "united we stand, divided we fall." Regardless of your political, ideological or theological position, I ask you to pray for our leaders...ALL of them. Pray for the President, pray for our senators and representatives. Pray for wisdom and understanding. Pray for a new spirit of cooperation and civility.
Pray for our country and the world that we, as citizens of a global community, "may be a sign of Christ's love to this sinful and broken world, that unity may overcome estrangement, forgiveness heal guilt, and joy conquer despair." (BCP, p.429)

It is in challenging times when our true character is revealed. May our character show us to be a people of honesty, humility, compassion, sacrifice, strength and courage. I'm hopeful. Our best day's are yet to come!

In Christ,

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